
A few months ago Maggie was confined to a life of breeding. Her only value in the world was the puppies that her body could produce. It will never be known how many that was. Or how much money she made the person who saw her as ‘stock’, only kept to produce a desirable commodity and more ‘stock’.

Fortunately, Maggie’s breeding days are now over. For a little while she was in the experienced care of a fosterer for Friends of Animals Wales (FOAW) where she was given time and space to begin her recovery. It was there that she began to experience, for the first time, what it is to be loved. A life of deprivation, one devoid of human attention, care and love takes time for dogs to recover from. Being in a foster home is an ideal place to start the transition from ‘stock’ to cherished family member.


Excellent news for Maggie came soon after she arrived into foster care. She was going to join Nancy and Colin in Northumberland.

In the weeks since her adoption Maggie has learnt the ways of being a dog, a dog who is loved for being herself, not for the money her body can make someone in the puppy industry.

Nancy and Maggie have grown to love the beach. Nancy barks and jumps around with pure excitement as soon as her paws hit the sand. After years spent in the squalid confines of a puppy farm Maggie and her finally know what it’s like to run free and enjoy life surrounded by their best friends
— Jo, Maggie and Nancy's adopter