
MAY 2021

Nova is an ex-breeding dog who was adopted in 2019.

Since her adoption Schnauzerfest has been supporting her in her new life with canine sister Sally and the rest of her human family. Adopter Lynda is well known to many as the creator of Pebble & Pooch. Nova’s eye condition has been regularly monitored and after her last visit to the ophthalmologist Lynda was all set to take Nova through long awaited cataract surgery (the full background to Nova’s complications can be read below).

At Nova’s recent - and we’d all assumed it would be her pre-op - consultation, the decision was made that surgery is not her best option at this stage. It has certainly been an up and down journey for Nova and Lynda!

Nova’s condition is complex, and the good news is that she is coping well and therefore it is not worth the risk of surgery at this time. Monitoring will continue, and Schnauzerfest will be there for Nova’s surgery costs if and when it becomes the best option to take.

Nova, Christmas Day, 2018 with one of her presents. Photo from DBARC volunteer Julia (mum to Nellie the Noodle), whohelped make Nova’s Christmas day special.

Nova, Christmas Day, 2018 with one of her presents. Photo from DBARC volunteer Julia (mum to Nellie the Noodle), whohelped make Nova’s Christmas day special.

Nova was one of several dogs taken into rescue from a puppy farm. It was clear that she had problems with her eyesight.

Nova’s time at DBARC was lengthy - several months. While Nova waited to hear what specialist care and treatment might be required, good news came in. She had a confirmed home to head off to in Devon, just as soon as she was fit and well enough to go. As it turned out, Nova’s new family had a longer than anticipated wait for their new girl to join them, as for one reason or another, Nova’s eye issues took a while to be addressed.


Nova’s first glance of the sea in her new home in Devon

Nova’s first glance of the sea in her new home in Devon

Eventually, after seeing the ophthamologist for a final assessment, it was decided that Nova’s particular eye condition made it too complicated, and risky for surgery at that time. The decision was made to allow her to go to her new home, with full support from Schnauzerfest funding for future eye care if surgery became an option.

Nova is now enjoying the next chapter of her life. She has a schnauzer sister, Sally, from whom she’s learning everything she needs to know about living happily by the seaside, with humans who love her dearly. They’ve quickly bonded and are fast becoming inseparable friends.

MARCH 2019

Nova’s ongoing eye care does involve having regular examinations. For a dog who comes from her background, this can be traumatic. It takes time to build their trust, which can be fragile in the early weeks or months of living with humans. But, at Nova’s recent appointment with her new ophthalmologist, she could not have been braver.

Nova and sister Sally on their way home after her ieye check, March 2019

Nova and sister Sally on their way home after her ieye check, March 2019

This little dog is so brave. Everytime there's a new challenge she faces it head on and never ceases to surprise and amaze us given her bleak beginnings. At the Ophthalmologist today she sat on my lap whilst her eyes where poked and prodded. Just a little shaky but as the specialist said, better behaved than many dogs from less difficult backgrounds. She even got taken to see the 'head honcho' on her own without Sally for support! Good girl Nova!

Lynda, Nova’s new mum


Nova’s life in Devon with sister Sally and human family is heavenly. She gets to go out for walks on beaches and across beautiful countryside. She has regular eye assessments and it may be decided in the future that cataract surgery is her best option. If this happens, Schnauzerfest fundraising will ensure the significant cost will be taken care of.

Here’s Sally & Nova striding out with human dad across a stunning Devonshire landscape. All a far cry from the dark and deprivation of the puppy farm where Nova spent many years before being saved.

Nova, Sally and human dad, August Bank Holiday Weekend, 2019

Nova, Sally and human dad, August Bank Holiday Weekend, 2019

Nova with sister Sally on their favourite stool (sibling rivalry in action as they both love it!)

Nova with sister Sally on their favourite stool (sibling rivalry in action as they both love it!)

UPDATE - February 2020

Nova has been with her family a year and what a transformation she’s undergone! From a timid, traumatised dog with a tricky journey ahead, the past year has seen her develop into a cheeky, confident, almost ‘normal’ dog, assisted greatly by her canine sister Sally. While her personality has fully bloomed, she does have ongoing health challenges, a result of her puppy farm background: she will return to the ophthalmologist in April to decide if cataract surgery is now indicated. However there is a complicating factor which has developed - Nova has experienced a number of fits since being adopted. While few and far between, the implications will be discussed by her family in full with her veterinary specialists before any decisions are made. Nova is in excellent hands.

She’s been on holiday to Centre Parcs, co-hosted her first Schnauzerfest and Schnauzerfestive walks. She loves playing with a ball, especially throwing them under furniture and barking until we retrieve them for her. She likes to steal socks. She wakes me most mornings by walking over me and sticking her face in mine. We love her so much!