Six months into Indi's new life

When 13 year old Indi was taken in by Dumfries and Galloway Canine Rescue Centre she had a huge hernia, as well as other problems. Indi received major surgery, which at her advanced age was a significant risk. She was a brave dog throughout and when she’d recovered, went to live with Rhia. 

We recently caught up with their news six months on from Indi’s adoption.

Here’s what Rhia tells us,

Indi continues to thrive and come out of her shell. For the first time, she managed to get up on the sofa by herself and cuddle into me. She’s slowly but surely learning to trust us and letting her personality shine through. We’ve just had my brother’s young schnauzer stay with us for the weekend and I think she benefited from having another confident playful pup around.

 I’d like people to know that sometimes it takes a really long time for dogs like Indi to decompress. Also the best way to learn is from another dog, or dogs. I know a lot of people don’t understand why rescues say a dog needs a another dog in the home but in Indi’s case she really did need that. 

She wasn’t house-trained (she still isn’t 100% but we’re working on that). She couldn’t figure out how to climb the stairs inside and learnt from her new sister. 

She didn’t bark or make any noise at all for so long we thought she might never. It’s taken 6 long months of being really hands-off. This is hard when you’re dying to cuddle her and pick her up, knowing this was the wrong thing to do. We had to wait until she was ready but it’s been so worth it. 

She barks at me every morning when I’m preparing her breakfast. She stands in front of me and stares at me when she wants lifting onto the sofa and she loves to go for a walk. She constantly watches me with her cavalier sistere and learns what’s ok. Indi is still shy and has a way to go but I feel like this past weekend she turned a major corner. I only wish we had adopted her sooner!