Hilda and Moo (aka) Minnie and Pumpkin

Just before Christmas Minnie and Pumpkin left the breeding industry. It’s clear both dogs have been overbred and unlike some, they arrived in rescue seriously overweight. This is not a sign of being indulged, it’s most likely they were fed cheap rubbish. Out of date pies is not uncommon food given to dogs in places like puppy farms.

After a few weeks in the care of experienced fosterer Clare, the weight has started to come off both girls and their health begin to improve. Pumpkin has cataracts which will be assessed and if surgery is possible, this will be undertaken.

Both dogs are enjoying their new lives in foster, and will be homed by their rescue, Dogs Friends in Somerset. We’ll bring more news on Pumkin’s eyes when she’s visited the ophthalmologist.


The past year has seen Minnie renamed Moo and Pumpkin renamed Hilda!

Moo had a dramatic start to her new life with her adopted family. She quickly fell seriously ill and was hospitalised with vomitting and diarhhoea. She deteriorated fast and at one stage it all looked very concerning. Unfortunately, the insurance cover had not kicked in as it was just at the changeover from her being in foster to being adopted. Of course we immediately agreed to extend the Grant for her rescue and all her costs were covered, easing a major concern at what was already a very stressful time.

After several days in hospital, Moo turned a corner and was back home with her new family. She soon put this rocky start behind her and by the Springtime was fit and well and loving her new life. Today she is living a wonderful life, enjoying everything a dog should, including going along to Schnauzerfest walks.

Thought you would like to see Moo out and about. She’s doing so well now, she’s such a sweetheart. We’ve turned on our Amazon smile for you and have been spreading the word to everyone we know about how wonderful your organisation is - thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.”
— Rachel, Moo's adopter

Pumpkin - now Hilda

Hilda went off to live with her new brother Eric and settled in quickly. She has really embraced life and has made many friends in her local park, everyone loves Hilda!

She is so funny and loves climbing on any part of me for a cuddle. But when I try to move, her whole body goes stiff so the only way to move her so I can get up is to roll her off me. She then stays on her back with her legs stiff in the air until I tickle her tummy.
— Mike, Hilda's adopter