Janetta makes a special appeal for your help

If you've supported Schnauzerfest for a while you'll know we have a deep interest in helping dogs regain their eyesight. It's where it all started when I adopted Susie-Belle. She had lived 8 years in a puppy farm all but blinded by cataracts. She received specialist surgery whilst in rescue and I recognised this was a major financial commitment for any rescue to make and a life-changing gift for Susie-Belle.

Susie-Belle had a lot of hurdles to overcome caused by the years in a puppy farm. Starting her new life with us with her eyesight restored, at least removed blindness from her long list of challenges. We shared just 4 years together, but it feels to me like a lifetime of love was crammed into them. I think of her every single day.

Since adopting her in 2011 I’ve been driven by the commitment I made: that whatever else I do in life, Susie-Belle will always be central to it. She died in 2015 and she is as alive in my memory now as she was the day we met. Everything done by Schnauzerfest is in her memory and that is never truer than when we are asked to help a dog blinded by cataracts.

Why your help is needed today

During the past 6 weeks we have been asked to help four dogs, unrelated, but all afflicted by sudden blindness caused by diabetes induced cataracts. Understandably, the distress to families is immense when something as life changing as blindness in their dogs occurs. This is made worse when the financial demands of treatment make it impossible without charitable assistance.

This is why I set up Schnauzerfest as a registered charity, so that where it is possible, and there is a charitable need for it, dogs would not be excluded from having the same treatment that Susie-Belle did. Treatment which means their lives can be restored to happiness, free from fear and anxiety. I know dogs can adjust to blindness and be happy without their sight, but, where it is possible to restore it, I also know what I would choose to do. And that is why our Bright Eyes Fund exists.

Until recently, cataract surgery costs with after care were between £3500-£5000. Like everything else, there is now a significant increase in the costs of treatment and it is around £5000-£7000 per dog.

We are a small grant giving charity that can only help when our funds allow. Up to now, we've always been able to say yes in cases which meet the charity’s grant criteria. As a supporter, you have made this possible and I and the whole team are very grateful. Not only do you transform the lives of many dogs every year, you help keep Susie-Belle's legacy alive, which is personally very meaningful for me.

But in order to keep saying yes, funds always need to be raised.

With an increasing demand for our help and rising vet bills across the board, I'm appealing today to you. If you could give a little something to our dedicated Bright Eyes Fund, it will mean we can keep saying yes when dogs need their eyesight restored. It's the fund that's closest to the memory of Susie-Belle, and the one with the largest single outgoing vet bills.

If you can help, here's how:

  • Text EYES followed by your donation amount to 70480 to give that amount.

  • Or make a one-off donation on the button or make a monthly gift

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and love for the dogs. With your help we will keep saying yes. Susie-Belle I know, would give you a lick and wiggle of thanks if she was still with us.