

Just before Christmas Teddy, a young schnauzer arrived into the care of Hope Rescue in Wales. He was seriously ill and without Hope securing him immediate veterinary treatment he would have died.

With complications from critical urinary tract issues, Teddy was admitted to hospital where he stayed several nights. At one stage it was touch and go whether he would survive.

A Schnauzerfest Grant was agreed within hours of Teddy’s case being notified, thus alleviating the financial concerns his rescue faced and ensuring that he could receive all the necessary treatment to save his life.

By Christmas Eve, Teddy was well enough to be home with an experienced fosterer where he has enjoyed a quiet Christmas recovering from his ordeal. He continues to recover, and is doing well.


23 JANUARY 2021

Teddy’s health has been up and down. His symptoms have continued to cause concern. Then yesterday we received the news that the investigations he has been having, appear to indicate strongly that he has a liver shunt. This is a serious condition that requires a CT scan and surgery. The cost for this is estimated to be in the region of £7000. Schnauzerfest will ensure that Hope Rescue is fully funded for Teddy to receive this life saving treatment.


The good news is that most dogs with the condition, once treated, go on to live happy, healthy lives. Teddy is a young dog, he absolutely deserves to be given every chance and will have the surgery.

More can be read on this blog

MARCH 2021

Before Teddy’s surgery could happen his condition needed to be a little more stable to reduce the associated risks of what would be a major operation. When he was ready, Teddy’s operation went ahead and after a few days in critical care he was back at home recovering.

“He is as happy and full of love and joie de vivre as ever. It was a really big operation. He’s so enthusiastic to be home with his canine siblings that it’s hard to keep him from running and jumping!

Thanks to all of the Schnauzerfest family. He is a very special boy - one of the nicest and most loving dogs I have ever known.
— Lara, Teddy's fosterer

There is a chance that a second operation will be needed but that won’t be known for some time. Right now, a few weeks on from his surgery, Teddy is going from strength to strength. Lara says he’s the happiest, most positive soul and beginning to discover his running legs at the park.

He will have blood tests in another three weeks, which will provide the first real indication of how successful the operation has been at repairing the liver shunt, signs so far are positive.


APRIL 2021

The very good news for Teddy continued. He recovered well after his surgery and his blood tests all came back with a postive result. He has been able to stop all medication and has begun eating a normal diet. He has one last check up scheduled, at which it is expected he will be signed off and his adoption can be finalised.

Thank you again Schnauzerfest for everything you’ve done for him!
— Sara Rosser, Hope Rescue