

Trevor is an 11 week old miniature schnauzer who sadly has been born with a cleft palate. He was reared by a breeder and signed over to the charity Pro Dogs Direct a rescue which aims wherever possible for dogs to go from foster home to home. Since arriving in his foster home last weekend, Trevor is doing very well, loved by all who meet him and being really well socialised.

Trevor requires surgery to fix his cleft palate. We’ve been advised that it is usual for it to take 2 or 3 operations for the palate to completely close. The costs for Trevor’s 3 operations will total around £2000. The first surgery will happen when he reaches 16 weeks or so in age. It is hopeful that he will do well. He is certainly going to be in expert hands with his recovery as his fosterer will also be one of the nurses caring for him at the veterinary practice that will treat Trevor.

With his whole life ahead of him, Trevor not only needs this surgery, he absolutely deserves to have the best possible care. This is what your donations to our charity will ensure he gets.



Trevor had his first operation this week to fix his cleft palate. All went well and he is back home recovering with Emma and her other dogs. Being his nurse as well as his fosterer, Trevor could not be in better hands than he is right now. Emma’s children and grandchildren are all smitten, as is everyone who meets him. We understand why.


September Update

Trevor is now 20 weeks old and thriving with his foster family. He is due to have his second operation in a few days time. He is a wonderfully friendly chap, adored by all. Raising pups with cleft palates is not easy and often doesn’t end well despite the very best of care.  It’s expensive and time consuming but thankfully Trevor is in good hands.



We received news just recently from Trevor’s adopter and are delighted to say that he went to his new family back in September. He is absolutely adored by them and not only did they adopt Trevor, but also Clive and Colin, his two foster siblings who also went through rounds of surgery for cleft palate correction.

Sally-Ann describes Trevor as a ‘warrior’ , one who loves his cuddles. He also enjoys being out and about, runs ‘like a whippet and rolling in fox poo’!

With great thanks to everyone who supported the costs of Trevor’s treatment, it’s marvellous to hear how he is now thriving.

They have turned our whole world upside down in the most brilliantly beautiful way. We refer to our boys as ‘The Treble Clefts’ as all 3 boys were born with cleft palates.
— Trevor, Clive and Colin's adopter, Sally-Ann