Ava and Tilly

Ava and Tilly are both dogs who have known the worst of life. Until they were rescued, their existences were purely about supplying puppies in the world of industrial dog breeding, aka puppy farming. But thanks to Friends of Animals Wales, that all changed a few weeks ago and Ava and Tilly were taken to safety. Life for both dogs now looks a lot brighter as they recover and heal from their traumas.


Ava is 4-5 years old and underwent surgery for closed pyometra, a particularly dangerous form of womb infection. Ava was very poorly, underweight and understandably scared. However, she is slowly ganing weight and in the care of her fosterer is doing well. She likes to sit and watch the world go by, taking comfort from her canine companions and enjoys her gentle walks.


Briliant news for Ava - who is now called Ava-Louise - she’s been adopted and is looking forward to her first ever Christmas on a sofa, surrounded by loving humans and her two canine siblings, Lulu and Rufus. Ava-Louise has had the very good fortune to be adopted by Millie and Matt, active Schnauzerfest supporters. Which has brought the immediate fun for Ava-Louise of experiencing a schnauzerfestive inspired walk!


Tilly is 5 years old and spent her first few days after being rescued sitting and watching the world go by from the safe comfort of her crate. Tilly, like many dogs from puppy farms is wary of people. She has been given a full dental - her mouth was in very poor condition - and has been spayed. There will be no more breeding for this beautiful soul. Her life is hers now to thrive in as she continues to heal and recover.

Lovely news for Tilly, she has been adopted and is thriving in her new home. Looking forwards to a safe and happy Christmas for the first time in her life.