
Maisie is a breeding dog with a traumatic past. Life in the world of industrial puppy breeding, also known as puppy farming, is harsh. For female dogs it is one of repeated pregnancies, whelping, puppy raising and their removal. All with the barest minimum of what a dog needs to be kept alive, let alone healthy. Breeding dogs are there for their fertility, nothing else.

For dogs who survive, they leave the breeding sheds with mental and physical health problems that can take a very long time to recover from. Some never do.

Maisie is one of the fortunate few who survive the breeding industry, get out alive and get a chance at life. She has spent the last few weeks being cared for for the first time in her life. She has received all the veterinary care she needs to go to her first ever permanent home and family. She recently joined Trish and her family, including new canine siblings Brodie, Martha and Nula.

Maisie has everything to learn about life in a regular home, where nothing is expected of her other than the wish that she grows to feel safe, loved and at peace in her world. In the short time she has been with Trish, she is certainly showing a determinination to do just that.

Maisie has settled in really well. She will occasionally approach us and will sniff our hand, she loves being around dogs. Every time one of the others moves she goes up to them wagging her tail and fussing them.
— Trish, Maisie's adopter

Maisie has a bright future ahead of her. Trish’s family are regular supporters of the charity and enjoy walking with the dogs. In time, when Maisie is ready, we will be sharing more of her development as she puts her difficult background well and truly behind her.


After 15 months living a wonderful life, learning that she was deeply loved and enjoying walks and her family, sadly Maisie died. She was the most preciously sweet character and is deeply missed by her family.

That she had such a short time living freely out of the puppy farm in which she spent the majority of her life makes her passing all the more painful to accept. However, it strengthens the resolve of the whole Schnauzerfest team to continue to work towards ending the endemic cruelty in today’s breeding industry. Maisie’s life mattered and she will never be forgotten.